"Shrek" an interactive activity

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Prepared by Mustafina D. E. (Teacher of Umid boarding-school)

AIMS OF THE LESSON: to develop skills of understanding of cartoons and movies in English, to make pupils listen to the native speakers and develop the ability to

Retell the story which was shown to them.



At first the teacher should offer the pupils a warming – up activity, to make them ready to speak in English.


1-What isyour favourite cartoon?

2-What cartoons do you like the best Russian or American ones?

3-How often do you watch cartoons?

4-Have you ever watched any cartoons in English? Where?


TEACHER: Today we are going to watch one of Disney’s cartoons. And this cartoon is Shrek.We’re going to watch one part of it an then we’re going to answer to the questions of quiz. ( Everybody watches the cartoon).


1-Who is the cartoon about?

2- What character do you like the best?

3- How do you think is it bad to be an ogre?

4- Would you like to have an ogre friend?

5- Who is Fiona?

6- Do you like this cartoon? Why? Etc.

TEACHER: And now it’s time to play. Volunteers will come to the board and stand with their backs to the class. I’ll stick a name of this cartoon characters. Our volunteers should ask the class yes/no questions and guess the right answer.


TEACHER: And now I’d like to explain you your homework. As you know, we haven’t watched the cartoon till the end, we’ve seen only a half of it. At home you should write a NEW end if this story as if you were the director of the cartoon. Write your homework in your notebooks.

Teacher announces marks of pupils. Feedback.

The lesson is over. Good bye